my friend Suzanne C. came down today from Boston on business. it is hard to believe it has been several years since she was here last!
we decided that since time was of the essence we'd meet once again were we did the last time at houlihans restaurant in bridgewater NJ for coffee and desert.
since it was later in the evening the restaurant section had thinned out but the hostess was kind enough to let us sit at a table in the now empty dinning room.
3-1/2 hours went by like minutes and our conversation was as if we had meet last week instead of several years ago when she was last here on business.
Suzanne had this "killer -stop traffic "dress on and looked picture perfect as always!
we have many other interests in common so we are never short on conversation. ie we both have a red hobby convertible sports car that gets put away and covered up for the winter.
the best part was the waitress was attentive but left us alone to chatter away. :-)
sadly the hours had flown as if they were minutes and it was time to leave before our carriages turned into pumpkins.
we said our goodbys and headed on our way the richer for each other company!