so i wore my peach T shirt and white jeans skirt and my white sandels (as you might have noticed this is my typical summer wear but even as my other self i keep to one ensamble since i have several pairs of tan shorts and white tennis shirts but that is another story). on the way to the beach and a gas staton nearby i changed into my black onepiece bathing suit with streat clothes over it (see the photo of 2 weeks ago giggle giggle)
and went on the beach.... but.... the wind was from the north east and the water was rough aggghhhhh!

since it was out of season my next problem was to find a place to change back to street wear.
no you must understand i have spent 30 summers plus in this beach town and i know it like the back of my hand welll the beach restrooms were closed.... the restrooms near the 7000 seat auditorium were closed agggghhhh what to do at least i hadn't got in the water today so i wasn't cold and wet

now i visited with a old friend who happens to be gay and knows of diana and my other self and finally it was time to get supper.
with the way the day was going (i found my checking account had glitched into an overdraw today as well

the interesting thing is i ended up talking to a gg and her partner she said how nice it was to talk makeup and types of clothing fabric with me

on the other side of me i had an interracial couple who were dj's and had a job cancel and they stopped by for careoke night at georgies since they usually dj 5 nights a week .
both couples were very accepting of diana the first gg admired my blue eyes

but at 11:45 with an hours ride home it was time to head home.
so the eveining turned out to be very nice.
if you are in nj in asbury park and want some friendly faces i recomend georgies as a place to hang out.
hugs to all