Monday, June 22, 2009

june 22, 2009 - photo link test and has it stopped raining yet

my current project is seeing if this blond understands how to link a photo LOL
this gives me something to so while i await the stop of the rainiest june in nj on record! of course then it will be time to squeak in cutting the grass ha ha.

attending the grand opening gala, wearing a spring look!
well it looks as though the rain has stopped briefly and it is time to cut the grass if it has dried out some. then if i have some left over energy i might go shopping. meanwhile i'll share one of my favorite skirts with you from a couple weeks ago at a friends gala celebration of her new satellite store.

so far the only way i have found to back up everything is to slowly cut and paste it page by page into a word document. the problem has been that the photos sometimes overlap the words as one adds to the back up copy but, the text back up was the most important thing since i have the photos on disk and at flicker.

please note you can thank my friend kim huddel for showing me how to make this photo thingy work.
whew to much for this blonds brain. you can almost smell my hair burning from all this thinking. giggle giggle

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