if i get chance i will try to take photos of the new red strappy 3" heal shoes by impo. i bought on sale today while dressed as diana at dsw shoe store. also they were on sale 30% off! they were pretty and i couldn't resist since that brought them down from 34.99 to 24.99. yeaaaa!

i find that impo makes a nice fitting pretty dress shoe at a reasonable price!

and i can take a 1/2 size smaller than my normal (normal himmm what is that anyway giggle giggle) womans 10-1/2 .
they make me feel sexy and cute all at the same time. giggle giggle.
this makes the 10th time this month i was able to go out dressed shopping yeaaaa! a new record for me as usually i only squeeze in about 5 times a month.
once again happy thanksgiving everyone

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