Saturday, March 29, 2008

march 29, 2008

well by now i wounder if everyone has eaten the ears off their chocolete easter bunny? or do you eat the toes first? giggle giggle!

i have been meaning to share something this blond finally figured out. one needs to clean out not only their inbox in their 360 blog but also their sent box as well in order to respond to incoming messages. i was only cleaning out my inbox but i stil couldn't get reply messages to send as it said inbox full. then.... i figured out one must clean out the sent box as well to get the new messages to go through.

also it is interesting to note that on the few days i must wear male undies as well i now am starting to feel as if i am cding in reverse as if i were a FtM cd. because these days even if i can't wear the hair i have been able to wear femanine undies. and many times with femine slax , shirt and flat shoes. even as my other self. add to this a pink satin flannel nightgown. well you get the picture.... and hence why i feel as if i am cding in reverse when i wear male clothes. giggle giggle!

which reminds me (yawn) it's time to change into my flannel linned pink satin nightgown.

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