Tuesday, October 20, 2009

October 20, 2009 - Tuesday random thoughts

today i just had some inner thoughts about how fortunate those of us have been who actually are able to get out and about as our fem (if MtF or visa versa if FtM) side.

as i read the blogs and the notes of my online friends like kim or suzi  i realized how lucky we are. and although we wish we could dress and get out even more often than we do (most of us would prefer 24/7 as i understand it) there are still many who can not due to family commitment, fear, and governmental pressure in other parts of the world. i often think of those sisters and brothers wishing they to could somehow gain the courage to do what we do.

like the usa economy we worry and complain about how little we have and how we want "more now" , as a friends son coined the phrase, but we really do have so much as compared to other parts of the world where they can't even get the basics like clean drinking water.

to those who can, i wish you courage to get out and attempt to blend into society as transgendered. to let your inner beauty shine through and let the world see your inner self. a smile goes a long way to dispel a scowl  from a passer by. but remember to be accepted is a give and take situation. one must "give " a bit by attempting to dress to fit the occasion in order to "get" acceptance. ie in guy mode one usually wouldn't wear a tuxedo to the grocery store nor only the bottom  half your pajamas by them selves. so it goes with dessing in fem. in most places there are lots of woman one only need look around and study what they are wearing at a given time of day or on a given day of the week to choose clothes and hair styles that will blend in. for example here in nj this past summer i saw lots of gg woman wearing short jeans skirts in a variety of colors . also many wore pretty capries with pretty ties on the leg and trimmed in embroidery.  so while many woman have gone for a male grudge look there are still many that dress neatly but somewhat feminine. so look around when in the food store or in the mall thee is a whole education out there just waiting to be absorbed.
one can start slow go to a newspaper store several towns away and just buy a newspaper around halloween ( you can always blame it on a holiday party) then work your way up to the mall. the hardest part will be getting out of the car those first few times. and remember  at least  in most places in the usa it is not against the law to be transgendered.
i wish you courage and success.


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